Toto dostihové sedlo patřilo žokeji Billymu Elliotovi, který jel Phar Lapa cca sedmkrát mezi lety 1930 a 1932. Vyhráli každý závod včetně toho posledního v Agua Caliente v Mexiku v březnu 1932. Sedlo bylo vyrobeno na zakázku a upraveno speciálně pro Elliota a Phar Lapa. Zakázku zadával trenér a spolumajitel koně Harry Telford. Vzhledem k tomu, že Elliot byl opravdu lehký, nesl Phar Lap větší množství tzv. mrtvé váhy v sedle (handicap). Harry Telford proto vyžadoval, aby sedlo bylo těžké a vyhovovalo potřebám koně i žokeje.
This racing saddle belonged to jockey Billy Elliot, who rode Phar Lap on seven occasions between 1930 and 1932, winning every race, including his final race at Agua Caliente, Mexico in March 1932. The saddle was especially commissioned for Elliot to use on Phar Lap by the horse's trainer and co-owner Harry Telford. Because Elliot was so light, even for a jockey, and Phar Lap was typically given a heavy starting weight by the handicappers, Elliot had to carry a large amount of weight in the saddle. Harry Telford had the very heavy saddle designed to suit the horse and jockey.
This racing saddle belonged to jockey Billy Elliot, who rode Phar Lap on seven occasions between 1930 and 1932, winning every race, including his final race at Agua Caliente, Mexico in March 1932. The saddle was especially commissioned for Elliot to use on Phar Lap by the horse's trainer and co-owner Harry Telford. Because Elliot was so light, even for a jockey, and Phar Lap was typically given a heavy starting weight by the handicappers, Elliot had to carry a large amount of weight in the saddle. Harry Telford had the very heavy saddle designed to suit the horse and jockey.
Zdroj fotografií:
Koláž: Phar.Lap (Inéz Chehaibi)
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