Jméno: Martin Vaughan
Narozen: 5.6.1931
Místo narození.: Melbourne, Austrálie

Spolupracoval s:
John Waters (1986)
Lee Grant (1984)
Ron Leibman (1983)
John Russell (1983)
Wendy Hughes (1981)
Geoffrey Rush (1981)
Judy Davis (1981)
John Hargr eaves (1981)
Sam Neill (1979)
Michael Craig (1975)
Rachel Roberts (1975)
2006 - Nihtmares and Dreamscapes

2004 - Salem´s Lot

2002 - Australian Rules

1999 - The Missing

1992 - Deadly

1990 - Come In Spinner

1989 - Kokoda Crescent

1988 - Danger Down Under
1986 - Alice to Nowhere

1985 - A Fortunate Life
1984 - Constance

1983 - Phar Lap

1983 - The Winds of Jarrah
1982 - We of the Never Never

1981 - Hoodwink

1979 - Alison´s Birthday

1979 - Just out of Reach

1975 - Born to Run
1975 - Ride a Wild pony

1975 - Picnic at Hanging Rock

1974 - Between Wars
Kompletní přehled jeho rolí - zde.
Zdroj obrázků: internet
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